Scope and lifetime of variables

In Python, the scope and lifetime of a variable define where the variable can be accessed and how long it exists during the execution of a program.

Scope of a Variable:

Scope refers to the region of the code where a variable is visible and can be accessed.

  1. Global Scope:

    • Variables declared outside of any function or block have a global scope.
    • They can be accessed from any part of the code, including within functions.
    global_variable = 10
    def my_function():
    my_function()  # Output: 10
  2. Local Scope:

    • Variables declared inside a function have a local scope.
    • They are only accessible within that function.
    def my_function():
        local_variable = 5
    my_function()  # Output: 5
    # Attempting to access local_variable outside the function will result in an error

Lifetime of a Variable:

Lifetime refers to the duration for which a variable exists in the memory during program execution.

  1. Global Variable Lifetime:

    • Global variables exist throughout the entire program's execution.
    • They are created when the program starts and persist until the program terminates.
    global_variable = 10
    def my_function():
    my_function()  # Output: 10
    # The global_variable continues to exist even after the function call
  2. Local Variable Lifetime:

    • Local variables are created when a function is called and destroyed when the function exits.
    • They exist only during the execution of the function.
    def my_function():
        local_variable = 5
    my_function()  # Output: 5
    # After the function call, local_variable no longer exists

Global and Local Variables in the Same Name:

  • If a local variable has the same name as a global variable, the local variable takes precedence within its scope.

    variable = 100  # Global variable
    def my_function():
        variable = 50  # Local variable with the same name
    my_function()  # Output: 50
    # Accessing variable outside the function will refer to the global variable

Understanding the scope and lifetime of variables is crucial for writing maintainable and bug-free code. It helps prevent unintended variable name clashes and ensures that variables are used in the appropriate context.

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